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Are You an Extra Small or an Extra Large?

Author Guide – Thursday, September 28, 2023

The Department of Innovation and Technology Enterprise Content Management system is billed based on a consumption based model.  In simple terms, this means that the more resources (such as storage and support) you use on the system the more of the overall cost of the system you will absorb from a cost perspective.

To make billing simple we break our billing into "t-shirt" sizing buckets.  Which means that we create categories of sites ranging from extra small through extra large.  Which bucket you fall in to will depend on the number of pages on your site, which we use as a measure of the complexity of your site i.e. the support needs of the site, AND the total storage use of your site which will include images, video, audio, etc..

The bucket sizing is listed below, pricing is available upon demand by contacting DoIT billing.

  • Extra Small: 0-50 Pages, up to 500MB Storage
  • Small: 51-200 Pages, up to 1GB Storage
  • Medium: 201-500 Pages, up to 3GB Storage
  • Large: 501-1000 Pages, up to 5GB Storage
  • Extra Large: 1001+ Pages, 5+GB Storage

Your bucket is decided by the LARGER of the stats you fall in to, so if you have 20 pages, but have 3GB of storage you will be considered a Medium bucket customer.


What is included in my bucket?

It's important to remember that the hosting package for your website includes significantly more than just storage and pages when looking at the value of the platform.  Included with your hosting package is a vasriety of services and 3rd party tools which help to ensure that your site continues to enable authors to meet the requirements of modern accessible design and legislative requirements.

Included features with all hosting plans are:

  • Accessibility, Quality Assurance and SEO monitoring and reporting software to monthly report on the condition of the hosted site and to enable authors to identify and resolve issues with the website.  Also included is continuing education online learning opportunities for those topics to further increase the knowledge of agency staff.
  • Translation services for both webpages and documents, which means that both the pages visitors see and downloadable assets such as pdf, word, etc.. documents have the capability to be translated into the primary languages identified as essential for Illinois residents (Spanish, Polish, Arabic, Hindi, Tagalog, and Chinese). Both solutions offer the ability for "human in the loop" review which means that an actual human translator has the ability to review and make corrections to translations in order to ensure accuracy.
  • Analytics tracking and reporting software which monthly emails agency and IT personell metrics relating to visitorship of both hosted AND non-hosted applications, where tracking code has been implemented. Giving the agency a wholistic view of their web properties and information to help identify performing and non-performing areas of their website/webapp inventory.
  • Stock photography access to allow agencies to leverage photographs and other digital artwork with proper copyright usage on their websites and social media channels.  Usage of this feature will ensure agencies are in compliance with copyright restrictions and usage guidelines avoiding any potential issues with improper or illegal image usage.
  • Content Delivery and Security Network Access which aids in the distribution, scaling and availability of a website property.  Which means websites are rendered from the nearest node to a visitor increasing the responsivness of a site regardless of the visitors location and ensuring that even with burst traffic the site remains accessible and available to the public. Furthermore it protects against malicious attacks such as DDos, Bot, and other cyberattack vectors reducing the overall attack surface of a website.

*Amount of stock photography allocated to a property annually depends on the sizing bucket for that property

How can you see how much you're using?

Website Administrators can view these stats at anytime by using our administrative reports features within the Author interface.  I will document how to run these reports below using the Guardenship and Advocacy Commission as an example agency "GAC".

  1. Login to the author URL
  2. Click the "Tools" hammer on the left of the screen
  3. Select the "ACS AEM Commons" menu option
  4. Click on the "Reports" icon
  5. Now you can run the appropriate report for what statistic you want to look at, the two reports you will want to review are
    • Detailed Pages Report
    • Detailed Assets Report

For the Detailed Pages Report use the following steps to execute the report

  1. Supply the proper "Path" for your pages.  All our agency sites will begin with "/content/soi/" then followed by the folder name for your property
    For our example it would be /content/soi/gac  (do not include the double quotes)
  2. To include ALL the results make sure to place a checkmark in the "All Results" checkbox
  3. Click the "Download Report"

A excel file will then be downloaded to your machine with the urls of all the currently published pages within your site.

For the Detailed Assets Report use the following steps to execute the report

  1. Supply the proper "Path" for your pages.  All our agency sites will begin with "/content/dam/soi/en/web/" then followed by the folder name for your property
    For our example it would be /content/dam/soi/en/web/gac  (do not include the double quotes)
  2. Optionally, you can change the default sort order of the results, but leaving it as "Default" is perfectly acceptable
  3. To include ALL the results make sure to place a checkmark in the "All Results" checkbox
  4. Click the "Download Report"

A excel file will then be downloaded to your machine with the urls of all the assets within your site.

How can you reduce your website footprint?

If you are concerned about your usage here are a couple of helpful things you can do to reduce your footprint and therfore possibly move you to a lower bucket.

  • Monitor your usage. Most providers offer tools to help you monitor your usage. This information can help you to identify areas where you can reduce your spending.
  • Optimize your page content. Things you can do to optimize page content include:
    • Removing outdated, redundant or trival information not leveraged by visitors.  You can look at your site analytics to help identify information which is not accessed often.
    • Ensure pages with content are significant, no pages with just a couple of sentances
    • Use common page systems like meetings, press releases, etc.. which provide dynamic features and reduce individual page count
  • Optimize your asset content. There are a number of things you can do to optimize your assets, such as:
    • Use global images for icons, logos, graphics (using the global images is free and doesn't count against your asset cost)
    • Optimize image sizes by using online minification tools
    • Optimize pdf content by ensuring they are minimized or convert these to pages where possible, which will also increase their accessibility and translation capabilities