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Give Us Your Ideas

Enhancement Request for the State of Illinois AEM Platform

Thank you for your interest in helping us improve our content management platform! We are committed to providing the best possible experience, and your feedback is essential to that process.

This form is your opportunity to request new features or enhancements for our platform. Please be as specific as possible in your request, and include any relevant details about how the change would improve your workflow or the overall user experience. Do not use this form to report any errors or bugs. Submit all such issues via the Report a Problem Form.

We review all requests carefully, and we will do our best to implement the most popular and impactful changes. We also encourage you to check back regularly to see the latest updates to our platform.

Please note: If you are requesting a new feature or enhancement, please be sure to explain how it would benefit other users of the platform. This will help us prioritize requests and ensure that we are making changes that will have the biggest impact on our community.

* indicates a required field

DoIT at EDGE please identify the EDGE agency

Please provide as much detail about the enhancement as possible.