Version 6.5.11
Adobe Experience Manager has been updated to v6.5.11. This update includes new features, key customer-requested enhancements, bug fixes, and performance, stability, and security improvements.
- A user experience enhancements displays the number of assets present in a folder. For more than 1000 assets in a folder, Assets displays 1000+
- Enhancement to make users aware of the asynchronous job currently running in the background to prevent them from triggering multiple asynchronous operations on same path
- Added multifield support for multiline text data type
Bug Fixes
The following is a list of issues experienced within the AEM platform that have been addressed and fixed with the 6.5.11 release.
- Template to create a content fragment is not visible when creating a content fragment
- Sorting does not work in Content Fragment Models console
- The component layout resizing does not work in mobile layout
- When selecting multiple assets and modifying the metadata field values, saving the assets does not retain the values. Also, the metadata changes are not applied
- Validations on a date field in an adaptive form does not work as expected
- When the label text for the Checkbox and Radio Button components is long, the text does not fit appropriately
- When you use the keyboard keys to navigate to the Submit option and press the Enter key, you can submit the adaptive form multiple times