Version 6.5.18
Adobe Experience Manager has been updated from v6.5.17 to v6.5.18. This update includes new features, key customer-requested enhancements, bug fixes, and performance, stability, and security improvements.
- Dynamic Media Assets - Multi-subtitle and multi-audio track support for videos in Dynamic Media. Easily add multiple subtitles and multiple audio tracks to a primary video. This capability means that videos are accessible across a global audience. Customize a single, published primary video to a global audience in multiple languages and adhere with accessibility guidelines for different geographical regions. Authors can also manage the subtitles and audio tracks from a single tab in the user interface.
- Assets - From Search results, now navigate to the folder location that contains an asset to perform various asset management tasks.
- Enabled Sites Page Editor/Image Component user to reference assets from the remote Assets Cloud Service.
- Forms - Enhanced error handling with custom error handlers in the rule editor – Invoke a custom function (using Client Library) in response to an error returned by an external service, and provide a tailored response to end users. Or, take specific actions for errors returned by a service.
- Forms - Enhanced Adobe Sign Workflow step – Adobe Sign workflow step in AEM Workflows is available with enhancements.
- Enhanced security, with additional layer of verification.
- Enhanced transparency, using Audit Trail feature for detailed insights.
- Expanded roles for Agreement recipeints, beyond just the "Signer."