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Publish the Asset
After uploading the asset allow AEM to prepare the file(s). This can take a few minutes or longer depending on the size and number of file(s) being processed.
To determine if processing is complete refresh the webpage and hard-select the asset, by clicking on the icon to the left of the title so a check-mark is shown. If you then see the "Manage Publication" and/or "Properties" options in the ribbon at the top of the page, the asset has finished processing and is ready to be worked with.
For now, go ahead and click "Manage Publication". You also have the option to publish more than one asset at a time, but they have to be within the same folder.
On the Options page, select the "Publish" Action and select "Now" for Scheduling. Then click "Next."
On the Scope page, you only need to click "Publish," and all of the assets listed will be published.
Note: If you were initially planning to publish multiple assets at once, but decide one or more of the assets shouldn't be published at this time you can remove those assets on the Scope page. "Hard-select" the assets that you don't want to publish, and click "Remove Selection." Those assets will still be in the folder you put them in, and can be published at a later time.
Now the asset is ready to be used on your site, and will display the most recent version of the asset to the public.