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Callout Box

The Callout box component provides authors simple way to set important text apart from the rest of the information contained on a page.  Configuration allows authors to change the border color and background color of the component.


The author can insert the callout box in a component area of their site.

When the callout box component is first added to the page, the default style has a black left border and dark grey shading.  To configure, click on the callout box; a toolbar will appear.  Click the configuration wrench to edit the  component.

Add the desired text to for the Callout Box. Using the colorpickers, change the border and background color so it stands out for the site visitor.

The callout box can be resized by dragging the edges of the box to the desired dimensions while in Layout Mode, like most other components.


This is an example of a callout box control placed on a page