Location Finder
The Location Finder is a map and data table component that can be used to organize information in a clean, organized and readable way, along with an embedded map functionality. Used to show large or small amounts of data, the Location Finder component can be built with csv or manual configurations.
To use the Location Finder component, you will need to enable maps in the Footer.
Configuring the Basic tab
- Choose option: build the table manually or with a CSV file.
- If building manually, you will need to manually put in data for every cell.
- If building with a CSV file, you need to first upload a csv file into the DAM. This is the recommended way to build a Location Finder table.
- Zip Code Placeholder: Enter text for the zip code placeholder.
- If CSV file is the chosen option:
- File Path: the file location of the CSV file. This should be stored in the DAM.
- Number of rows for pagination: configure the number of rows for pagination.
- Select Columns to be Filtered: select tag columns to be filtered (if any). Once configured, your users will be able to use a dropdown menu to narrow their search.
- Select Columns to be Sorted: Select columns to be sorted.
- Zoom Level: Set a value between 0 (close) and 20 (far) for the map to render in when the page loads.
- Enable User Location Detection?: Allows the map to load and self-center by default to the user's current location. A browser confirmation is required by the user when visiting the page to enable this tracking.
- Enable Export CSV ?: Allows an "Export to CSV" button at the top of the table.
- Enable Pagination ?: Enables pagination for the table.
- Zip Code Label and Radius Label: Enter the zip code label and radius label so your users know what the filter fields are for.
- Radius Options: Clicking Add allows users to specify multiple "Radius in Miles" selections for the Radius Filter. By default, the Radius Filter will use 10, 25, 30, and 60 miles for the dropdown when the user has not specified any values.
- Enable Zip Code Search and Radius Filter?: Enables the Zip Code Search and Radius Filter boxes above the rendered map.
- Enable Location Finder Filters?: Enables the pin display of filters that may be selected from above the rendered map.
The Configuration tab is only accessible when "Manual" is the chosen option for building out the location finder!
- Total number of Rows: Number of rows specified for the manual table.
- Number of rows for pagination: Number of rows specified before the table begins paginating content.
- Add: Adds a new column for the table.
- Column Details: After adding a column, several fields exist to set up that specific column:
- Column heading: The name displayed for the column
- Choose component for column: Dropdown field to select whether the cells in this column store text, image, tag, date, or a number for its content.
- Is sorting required for this column?: Check box. This is enabled by default.
Configuring the Column Display tab
- Select Columns from Table to Place in Child Row: Select columns (if any) that you want automatically placed into a Child Row of the table.
- Select Columns to Hide from Table: Select columns (if any) that you want to visually hide from being displayed in the table.
- Select a Column to Display as Header Row: Select a single column (if any) that will be used as a Header Row for grouping matching items of the column specified.
- Columns to increase in width: Allows to manually specify (1-5) the amount of additional width a column may have. If the display is already full, increasing a column width may push columns into a child row automatically.
Set Initial Map Location
<content to curate> Currently at this time, there is no way to manually set the initial map location. The component attempts to automatically center the view and display all items at once, regardless of zoom level.
Zoom Level
<content to curate> Currently at this time, there is no way to manually set the initial zoom of the map. The component attempts to automatically center the view and display all items at once, regardless of zoom level.
Empty Cells
The biggest culprit to a map not rendering any pins at all is typically due to empty cells left in the table.
In order for the map component to render properly, every cell must be filled in the table. Even if data doesn't exist, a value will need entered. For times when a user wants to leave a blank or null value, it is recommended to simply fill empty cells with an "N/A" or "-".
Required Columns
The CSV file that the table runs off of requires some specific column names to have certain functionality work properly. You may see an example file used for setup of those columns. Ensure the CSV file has the following column names included exactly, or else the map may not render or some functionality may break/not work:
- Location Type: acts similar to a tag; for creating the multiple pin colors/associations.
- LATITUDE: for latitude coordinates for pin; limited to 6 decimal places.
- LONGITUDE: for longitude coordinates for pin; limited to 6 decimal places.
- PinDetails: the column data here displays when clicking on a Pin on the map.
- Zip: required for Zip Code/Radius Search functionality.