Building Content Fragment Models
Agencies can have custom content fragment models built for content that needs to be repurposed throughout a website. The following is a walkthrough creating a content fragment model to manage a collection of "Puppy Profiles."
While agencies cannot create or modifiy content fragment models at this time, the steps of creating a new model can help users know the information required by platform administrators to make the process as smooth as possible.
Global Content Fragment Models
Global models already exist for agencies even if no custom content fragment models have been created yet. While quite a few global models exist, all agencies should only be concerned with the following Global Content Fragment Models:
- Executive Order Model: used for creating Executive Order releases. Basic fields include Title, Description, Executive Order Date, Executive Order Number.
- FAQ Model: also known as Frequently Asked Questions, this model is used to create a series of question-and-answer lists. These fragments include fields for storing list order numbers, questions, answers, and applying tags for later filtering. AEM specifically has an FAQ Component to handle the display of these fragments.
- Location Model: utilized for creating fragments to populate into the Map component for dynamic loading of locations. Most agencies tend to go with a custom version of this to include additional data fields for running things like Events with fragments instead of pages. This model includes Latitude, Longitude, and Pin Label fields.
- Proclamation Model: used to create a release proclamation. Fields include Titles, Proclamation Number, Subtitle, Description, Proclamation Date, Content of the Proclamation itself, and any documents to attach.
- SOI Agency Model: Admins only. Each agency has a single "SOI Agency" fragment that stores their agency-specific data. These get referenced mainly on the main website.
- SOI Service Model: Admins only. Each agency is highly-recommended to include at least 3 services that their agency fulfills for the public. Fields include information pertinent to each service; including Title, Agency, Description, Web Fulfillment, Site Link, and any Roll Up Images to use.
Creating a new Content Fragment Model
There are many instances and needs where an agency just needs their own specific type of content fragments with their own fields to contain data in an organized manner. That is where the creation of custom Content Fragment Models comes in to play.
Remember, only DoIT WCM Admins are able to currently create Content Fragment models.
*Note: If you need a Content Fragment Model curated, please reach out to the DoIT.WebServices team to get the process started!
To gain access to content models, browse to the root of AEM
- Press the tools icon
- Then select "Assets."
Then select the Content Fragment Model Icon (right).
From here, select the folder for your Agency. If you do not see your agency's folder, please contact DoIT.
Now you are ready to Create a new content model.
Setting up your Content Fragment Model
When creating or editing your content fragment model, you will see an interface with a side panel on the right side of the page that looks similar to this image (left.) You can create your content fragment model using any combination of these properties.
We've built a sample content fragment model shown at the bottom of this page which includes at least one of each of these properties.
The text below includes the details of how these properties were set up.
- Single-line Text:
- Field Label. How the field is labeled in the content fragment (Puppy Name)
- Property Name: how the field will be referenced in content management. No spaces or caps please (puppy-name)
- Placeholder: Enter your puppies Name
- Default Value: will set a value for your entry unless you edit
- Max Length
- Required: Yes
- Description: Enter help text to assist people who may be filling out your content fragment.
- Multi-Line Text:
- Field Label: How the field is labeled in the content fragment (Description of your puppy)
- Property Name: how the field will be referenced in content management. No spaces or caps please (puppy-description)
- Default Type:
- Plain Text
- Rich Text
- Markdown
- Description: Enter help text to assist people who may be filling out your content fragment.
- Number:
- Render as numberfield
- Field Label: How the field is labeled in the content fragment (Age)
- Property Name: how the field will be referenced in content management. No spaces or caps please (puppy-age)
- Placeholder: How old is your puppy
- Type: Integer or Fraction
- Default Value will override any placeholder language you entered.
- Required?
- Description: Enter help text to assist people who may be filling out your content fragment.
- Boolean (Checkbox):
- Field Text: How the field is labeled in the content fragment (Check here if your puppy loves kisses)
- Property Name: how the field will be referenced in content management. No spaces or caps please (puppy-kiss-indicator)
- Default: leave empty for opt-in. Pre-check for an opt-out.
- Description: Enter help text to assist people who may be filling out your content fragment.
- Date:
- Field Label: How the field is labeled in the content fragment (When's your puppy's birthday)
- Property Name: how the field will be referenced in content management. No spaces or caps please (puppy-birth-date)
- Default Value: You can select a default date if you prefer, or leave blank.
- Required: Check if this field is required.
- Description: Enter help text to assist people who may be filling out your content fragment.
- Enumeration: Create a multi-checkbox, dropdown, or button selector for your content fragment:
- Field Label: How the field is labeled in the content fragment
- Property Name: how the field will be referenced in content management. No spaces or caps please.
- Options: use a comma separated array of values you want in your pull down (boy, girl, I'm not sure)
- Description: Enter help text to assist people who may be filling out your content fragment.
- Tags:
- Field Label: How the field is labeled in the content fragment (Puppy qualities)
- Property Name: how the field will be referenced in content management. No spaces or caps please (puppy-quality-tags)
- Required: select if tags are required
- Root Path: point to the folder which contains the relevant tags for your content fragment
- Description: Enter help text to assist people who may be filling out your content fragment.
- Content Reference:
- Content Reference: Choose either a single or multi-selector option for content references.
- Field Label: How the field is labeled in the content fragment (Get an image of your puppy)
- Property Name: how the field will be referenced in content management. No spaces or caps please (puppy-image)
- Placeholder: enter text to describe how to use this field
- Default Value: Point to a default content reference if preferred
- Root Path: You can select a root path to help users find the information they are looking for
- Required: Indicate whether this field is required
- Description: Enter help text to assist people who may be filling out your content fragment.
- Link List: allows you to add multiple links to a content fragment model
- Field Label: How this field will be labeled when authoring a content fragment.
- Property Name: Please Note.... there is only one acceptable name for your link list. Link lists Property Name must be set to "linkList" including the camel-case formatting.
- Description: Enter descriptive help text to assist people filling out your content fragments based on this model.
- Icon: allows you to add a single icon field to your content fragment model
- Field Label: How this field will be labeled when authoring a content fragment.
- Property Name: Please Note.... there is only one acceptable name for Icons. The Icon Property Name must be set to "icon" including the camel-case formatting.
- Description: Enter descriptive help text to assist people filling out your content fragments based on this model.
Please Note:
In addition to the requirement to name your Link List "linkList" and Icon as "icon"; it is also important to note that you can only have a single instance of these fields in your content fragment models. Content Fragments cannot support multiple Link Lists or Icons at this time.
Also consider that link lists are not designed to support high-volume numbers of items, but rather a small finite list of no more than 10 links.
Here is a screengrab of how the above setup looks as a content fragment model.